Digitally Signing Documents
This page will outline the steps necessary to setup the ability to digitally sign documents that require a signature using Acrobat Reader or Pro. This process serves as an official and legally binding signature which can be used when you are unable to physically sign a document. If you do not have Acrobat Pro and need assistance digitally signing a document, please send an email to detailing what you need and OIS will attempt to assist you further.
To Request an InCommon Personal Digital Certificates (PDC) – Only done once every 18 months
- Navigate to the Certificate Manager (log in with PID and PID PW)
- Click on InCommon Personal Digital Certificates.
- If you see a message about you can only have one active keypair at a time, you will need to revoke the existing keypair, before you can request a new keypair, see “To revoke a PDC” below.
- Agree to the Terms of Use Agreement and click on Request PDC.
- The certificate should be issued shortly. You will need to refresh your page until the status flips to FULFILLED. You may then download your PDC by clicking Action -> PKCS#12 Keypair. A password will be generated for your downloaded PDC. As the PDC downloads, the web page will update and display the password. Write it down or highlight and copy/paste it into a document so you can reference it. If you forget your password, you may download the PDC again and a new password will be generated.
Once you have the PDC — Only done once every 18 months
(for Windows computers only)
- Double click it
- Make sure the radio button is set to Current User and click the Next button
- Click the Next button
- Paste or type in the password from when you created the PDC and click the Next button
- Click the Next button
- Click the Finish button
(alternative for adding a digital certificate)
- Open a PDF in Adobe Acrobat (any version will work)
- Click Tools and find/click “Certificates” (can type certificates in the search to find it quickly)
- Click “Digitally Sign”
- Drag a box somewhere random as if you were going to sign there
- Click "Configure New Digital ID"
- Select “Use a Digital ID from a file” and click Continue
- Browse to where you saved the Personal Digital Certificate you created in the previous section and select it
- Paste in the password for your certificate (also from the previous section) and click Continue
- Click Continue
The certificate should now be added
Using the PDC to sign a PDF document – Done each time you want to sign
- Open a PDF in Adobe Acrobat (any version will work)
- Click Tools and find/click “Certificates” (can type certificates in the search to find it quickly)
- Click “Digitally Sign”
- Drag a box where you wish to place your digital signature
- Your Digital ID created by the Certificate should already be selected so click "Continue"
- If you are the last person needing to sign the document, check the box "Lock document after signing"
- Click "Sign"
- Save the new document